Although I am a huge fan of working out for physical and mental health, I was able to have a chance to experience some real pampering. For Christmas this year, while I was 8 months pregnant, I received a gift certificate for a reflexology and hot towel treatment from The Healing Room. Although I just used the certificate (now that my little one is 2 months old), I can safely say it was much needed and much appreciated.
Reflexology is defined as a system of massages used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands, and head that are linked to every part of the body. This particular massage was for my feet. The owner, Amy Barr, is a Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Kundalini Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Qigong (chee-gung) Practitioner and Instructor. Amy was more than just a reflexologist for me but a therapist as well! She listened to me talk about being on my feet all day and was very comfortable to talk to.
Amy massaged specific points on my feet that relaxed my whole body. Amy tells us that, “many ailments have been known to be helped by Reflexology sessions including headaches, allergies, kidney and gall stone symptoms, common cold, bowel irregularities such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, and many more. Reflexology is suitable for anyone, including infants and children.” I spend a lot of time on my feet, so having her work on my feet with just the right amount of pressure was wonderful.
My infant came with me and spent some time on my chest while Amy worked on my feet. This was quiet possible one of the most relaxing days I have had in a long time. And I can safely say that, I have four kids! My little girl fell asleep to the soothing music that played and I was able to relax and have a little much needed “me” time.
The Healing Room enabled me to have time to myself and enjoy not just a foot massage but complete and total relaxation.
The reflexology and hot towel massage I received is perfect for pregnant women. The massage helps you relax and, as often happens, relieves some of those end of pregnancy woes. I know by my 8th month pregnant I could have used a good 45-60 minutes foot massage.
So, this week, instead of focusing on how much I love to work out, I wanted to share how much I love to relax. Do you know someone who is nearing the end of her pregnancy? Someone who just needs a little something special? Check out Amy Barr and The Healing Room at for a special little piece of heaven.
Don’t forget, we all need a little pampering sometimes!
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