Things change when you become a mama. You suddenly have this life that depends on you and everything goes out the window for a few weeks (or months or years). Fashion was on the back burner after having the twins. It is not that I didn’t care how I looked, it is just that I really did not know dress with the intention like I used to. Intention being – the looking nice to go to work, going out with friends, being uncomfortable in whatever I was wearing because it was cute and on sale.
I went the complete opposite of what I wore before kids, but I was also exhausted and trying to keep up not realizing my life had changed and this was my new normal may take some time to get used to. There was a transition period. My new normal in fashion had changed too and I aimed for comfort of jeans and tees (I still love me a t-shirt and nice tank top) just because it was easier. So, this past few months, I have been working on getting my fashion groove back. I am aiming for comfort, beauty and fashion.
So, today I wanted to share this gorgeous dress from Cents of Style. Cents of Style is my go to for wardrobe favorites. I was excited to receive the Remi Dress This Remi Swing dress is going to be one of my fall favorites. It gives me style and comfort. I simply add a belt and rock a necklace and effortless look. My daughter is already asking – “Where are you going mommy?” and “Can I have that dress when I get older?”
The Remi Swing Dress is one of the popular dresses from Cents of Style because it is versatile, chic and available in 17 different colors and in sizes Small to 3XL. It great from a casual night out, for traveling or running errands. I think you simply can’t go wrong saying yes to this dress. So, if you mama like me, giving her fashion groove back this is a dress for you. For limited time (until the 23rd), grab the Remi Swing Dress for $21.95 plus free shipping with code DRESS2016 for the Friday Fashion deal. Also, grab the necklace.
This necklace really speaks to me. They also have other says as well, so pick one that speaks to you.
Love my fashion pick, please let me know in the comments below!
Stacey Higdon says
I agree, fashion after kids is not the same as fashion before. Not just because your body has changed, but also because your responsibility have changed. It took me awhile to realize I could still look nice with a little one–I just couldn’t wear the cute little dresses I used to! Thanks for sharing!
Community Founder- Eghe says
Oh gosh yes! Thanks for validating I am not alone in this.
Nikki says
I do love this fashion pick! The necklace is a perfect pairing to the dress, too.
Community Founder- Eghe says
Thank you Nikki!
Nicole | The Professional Mom Project says
Love the necklaces and the colour of your dress. It’s so flattering on you!
Community Founder- Eghe says
Thank you!
Rosario says
I loved that dress and those necklaces are beautiful!!