The New Year is here! Raise your hand if you want to be more fit and active in 2016! You want to make changes and do better in 2016? Of course! Everybody is trying to make changes when it’s a New Year! It’s that time of year when we wash our hands of the old, and we are in with the new!
I enjoy New Year’s! Ihave gotten a new planner (really planners if I am being honest). A fresh resolve. Ready to conquer the new year. The feeling when you remember to write “2016” instead of “2015.”This year I am setting goals and not resolutions. This year, I want to be more intentional then saying I am going to do XYZ or writing it down in a piece of paper and not seeing that paper until God knows when. One of my goals is to be more organized working on being proactive in setting my goals now.
I am not a one fits all kind of woman. I have different needs for different aspects of my life as a mom, foundrepreneur, wife, etc. I found this from my gals at The Dating Divas and I just had to share it with you!
They have put together a beautiful “goal planner” for the year to help me achieve those dreams of mine! It’s a great planner! It’s sooo much more than just a goal planner!It’s a menu planner, weekly to do list, daily to do list, expense planner. IT’S MY NEWEST FAVORITE THING! It’s been printed and already have begun putting it to good use. It’s a totala planner that I need and I look forward to using it everyday.
Here are the details on this planner. They want you to get off on the right foot this year by brainstorming. Let your mind run wild for a solid ten minutes. Uninterrupted. What do you really, really want out of your life? What do you want for yourself or family for 2016? Now is the time to tell yourself all about it.Next, we put those dreams and thoughs on your vision board. If you have not heard of a vision board, you must try it out. If you are a visual person, this will be extremely helpful in reaching your goals this year. A vision board is a visual reminder for you to place somewhere (where you can see it often!) and you can see your goals everyday. You can pick a category for each square —The Divas have even provided several ideas under their monthly focus list OR create a collage of dreams. Pull out old magazines and cut out pictures, if you’re artistic draw your dreams, print pictures from your computer, or simply write them out. Fill it up whatever way gets you excited about your year of goals and will help you to visualize what you are hoping to achieve this year! Put it somewhere where you will see it often. It makes all the difference.
Next? The monthly focus categories!
The idea here is to dedicate one month to each of those choices. The great thing about this planner is that it is completely customizable. If you’re feeling like you need to focus on “health/fitness”, more than “self reliance”, then do just that! There’s even these darling little motivational quotes to keep you going.
Sometimes, it helps to break down goals so that you do not get overwhelmed or give up . The Divas gave this as an awesome example:
Monthly Focus: Health/Fitness
Goal: Eat healthier each day
- Drink 8 cups of water a day
- Only eat sugar once a week
- Do not eat after 7 P.M.
- Eat 3-4 fruits and vegetables daily
They even did an elementary school throwback to S.M.A.R.T goals. Yep! Remember those? You learned them for a reason, my friend! (And if you don’t know about S.M.A.R.T goals this is a game changer!)
Here’s The Dating Divas summary of “S.M.A.R.T goals!
- S- Specific: When setting your goals, be as specific as possible. This will help make achieving your goals a whole lot easier! You will know exactly what you are trying to accomplish and how. What is the purpose of your goal? How is it going to benefit you? What are the requirements and restraints?
- M- Measurable: How Often? How many? When? Once again, be specific so each day when you are tracking your goal you know how to track your process. From our example above, I mentioned drinking EIGHT cups of water A DAY, eating THREE to FOUR vegetables A DAY.
- A- Attainable: How can this be accomplished? Make sure it is realistic. Have a plan as to how you are going to do this each and every day.
- R- Relevant: Think back to your brainstorming worksheet here. Is this goal going to help to achieve other goals and purposes? Your different monthly focuses? Is it the right time in your life? We want you to dream big and set the bar high but we also want you to not overwhelm yourselves!
- T- Timely: What is the deadline? When are you going to do get this done? My best advice is to set goals that you can do daily or weekly. Make these goals habits that are easy to track.
Once the goals are set, it’s time to start tracking them! The Divas have included these darling trackable sheets…complete with little inspiring quotes at the top!
Can you see those little squares with all of the numbers in them? That’s for tracking your goals – 30 days makes a habit, right? Completely doable when you track and see your progress.
The hope is that the goal has become a habit, and you can move onto the next section. I really love how much this breaks “goal keeping” down to a totally do-able process. No more of this “gotta-do-it-all-at-once” attitude that I totally have!They even put in this darling “Quarterly Review” sheet to keep yourself in check instead of thinking about it many months later of your goals.
What else?
A weekly and daily to do list! You can go ahead and print off as many as you need for these. To save on printing costs, you can just to put these in frames, and write on them with dry-erase marker! I also love this “gratitude” list. One of the things I’m trying to work on this year is having a more grateful heart and being thankful for the many blessing of my life, so this fits perfectly!
And – last but most definitely not least a menu planner, complete with room for shopping list! If you want to be more intentional about what you feed your family and save money you want this!
2016 is going to be the best year yet! But, we have to think beyond that. You can use this over and over {AND OVER} again, each and every year! The gift honestly keeps on giving. Make it your year! You got this!The best part is the price. It’s only$3.97. I can’t wait for what 2016 and reaching all my goals. Take your journey with me this year! Let’s do this!
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